Whisky is the finest distillate obtained from cereals and it is produced in various parts of the world. His homeland is Scotland, but today the trendy goes towards Japanese Whisky. In Scotland, its place of origin, it is written "Whisky" while in Ireland and the USA it is written "Whiskey". The main cereal to produce Scottish whisky is barley. To become a quality Whisky, the distillate must necessarily age, for several years, in oak barrels.
Among the various types of whisky there are the peaty Scotch Whisky, produced in Scotland, with the characteristic notes of smoked; the Scottish Malt Whisky, obtained only from barley by means of a discontinuous distiller and with the use of peat; the Scottish Grain Whisky also obtained from a mix of cereals without using peat; the Irish Whiskey of Irish origin, it is not peated but it is subjected to a triple distillation and with a minimum aging of 7 years; Bourbon produced in the United States; the main cereal is corn and it has typical notes of vanilla and coconut.